Sundays Bible Study 9am Worship & Communion 10am
Fridays Open Door Ministry 9am-12pm
Sunday, 2nd, 10am, Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, Church Council Installation
Sunday, 9th, 10am, Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, 16th, 10am, Sixth Sunday After Epiphany, Celebration Potluck
Sunday, 23rd, 10am, Seventh Sunday After Epiphany
February observances:
Black History Month
The Martyrs of Japan, died 1597 (Feb 5)
Cyril, monk, died 869; Methodius, bishop, died 885; missionaries to the Slavs (Feb 13)
Remembrance of Absalom Jones, first man of African descent ordained in the Episcopal Church (Feb 13)
Valentine’s Day (Feb 14)
National Organ Donor Day (Feb 14)
Presidents’ Day (Feb 17)
Martin Luther, renewer of the church (Feb 18)
National Caregivers Day (Feb 21)
Sundays Bible Study 9am Worship & Communion 10am
Fridays Open Door Ministry 9am-12pm
Sunday, 2nd, 10am, Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, Church Council Installation
Sunday, 9th, 10am, Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, 16th, 10am, Sixth Sunday After Epiphany, Celebration Potluck
Sunday, 23rd, 10am, Seventh Sunday After Epiphany
February observances:
Black History Month
The Martyrs of Japan, died 1597 (Feb 5)
Cyril, monk, died 869; Methodius, bishop, died 885; missionaries to the Slavs (Feb 13)
Remembrance of Absalom Jones, first man of African descent ordained in the Episcopal Church (Feb 13)
Valentine’s Day (Feb 14)
National Organ Donor Day (Feb 14)
Presidents’ Day (Feb 17)
Martin Luther, renewer of the church (Feb 18)
National Caregivers Day (Feb 21)
Sundays Bible Study 9am Worship & Communion 10am
Fridays Open Door Ministry 9am-12pm
Wednesdays during Lent - Soup and Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study, 12pm
Sunday, 2nd, 10am, Transfiguration of Our Lord
Tuesday, 4th, 5:30pm, Shrove Tuesday Supper
Wednesday, 5th, 12pm, Ash Wednesday
Sunday, 9th, 10am, First Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 12th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 16th, 10am, Second Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 19th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 23rd, 10am, Third Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 26th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 30th, 10am, Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sundays Bible Study 9am Worship & Communion 10am
Fridays Open Door Ministry 9am-12pm
Wednesdays during Lent - Soup and Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study, 12pm
Wednesday, 2nd, 12pm, Worship at Saint Paul, Jerome
Sunday, 6th, 10 am, Sixth Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 9th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 13th, 10am, Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday Worship
Thursday, 17th, 6:30pm, Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, 18th, 3pm, Good Friday Service
Sunday, 20th, 10am, Resurrection of Our Lord / Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, 27th, Second Sunday of Easter Worship
Sundays Bible Study 9am Worship & Communion 10am
Fridays Open Door Ministry 9am-12pm
Wednesdays during Lent - Soup and Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study, 12pm
Sunday, 2nd, 10am, Transfiguration of Our Lord
Tuesday, 4th, 5:30pm, Shrove Tuesday Supper
Wednesday, 5th, 12pm, Ash Wednesday
Sunday, 9th, 10am, First Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 12th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 16th, 10am, Second Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 19th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 23rd, 10am, Third Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 26th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 30th, 10am, Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sundays Bible Study 9am Worship & Communion 10am
Fridays Open Door Ministry 9am-12pm
Wednesdays during Lent - Soup and Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study, 12pm
Wednesday, 2nd, 12pm, Worship at Saint Paul, Jerome
Sunday, 6th, 10 am, Sixth Sunday in Lent
Wednesday, 9th, 12pm, Soup/Sandwich Lunch and Lenten Study
Sunday, 13th, 10am, Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday Worship
Thursday, 17th, 6:30pm, Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, 18th, 3pm, Good Friday Service
Sunday, 20th, 10am, Resurrection of Our Lord / Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, 27th, Second Sunday of Easter Worship